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A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans DO NOT eat foods that come from animals (like Milk, Butter, etc), including dairy products and eggs.


Sattvic diet is a diet based on foods that contain one of the three yogic qualities (guna) known as sattva.[1] In this system of dietary classification, foods that decrease the energy of the body are considered tamasic, while those that increase the energy of the body are considered rajasic. A sattvic diet is sometimes referred to as a yogic diet in modern literature.A sattvic diet shares the qualities of sattva, some of which include “pure, essential, natural, vital, energy-containing, clean, conscious, true, honest, wise”. A sattvic diet can also exemplify Ahimsa, the principle of not causing harm to other living beings. This is one reason yogis often follow a vegetarian diet.


Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects, and the flesh of any other animal). It may also include abstaining from eating all by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient animal life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs as well as animal rights advocacy. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic, taste-related, or relate to other personal preferences. The vegetarian diet: includes dairy products, 

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